[Magdalen] Hospice

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sun Jun 18 10:31:46 UTC 2017

Oh, Brud.  You have faced your illness directly and made good, hard choices
along your way.  Choosing Hospice at this time is tough and sad, and yet,
the choice brings you emotional, spiritual, and physical relief.  I love
you, Brud, and cannot imagine Magdalen without your voice.  I rejoice that
I know you and I weep that  you have reached this place on your journey.
Prayers that you will pass peacefully through the veil into God's nearer
presence.  Prayers for Dawn, your children, and all who love you, which
surely includes your listsibs.

Love you,

On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 10:55 PM, Ann Markle <ann.markle at aya.yale.edu>

> Jon, I am so sorry for your suffering, and will miss your loving presence
> terribly. I'll never forget the bough of autumn leaves you brought me,
> remembering my Eleanor, who also brought me leaves. Give her a hug from me
> when you get there, okay?  Praying my gratitude for you tonight.
> On Jun 17, 2017 8:19 PM, "Jon Egger" <revegger at gmail.com> wrote:
> My listsibs,
> After many thoughts and prayers, I was admitted to in-home hospice with
> Crossroads Hospice and Palliative Care.
> This ornery deacon continues walking with Christ and prays that he may have
> a good and peaceful death. I miss my folks, especially my father, and look
> forward to seeing him again in this thing we call Heaven.
> I have pain most of the time, and finally admitted that I am tired of it.
> I don't have much of an appetite, and sleep more and more every passing
> day.
> I love you all,
> ​ornery 59 year old deacon ​
> --
> Grace > Creed

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