[Magdalen] Life is a bit strange sometimes.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Fri Mar 17 17:36:46 UTC 2017

Emphasis on "a bit".  But strange nonetheless.

Just now, in the space of no more than 5 minutes, I both:

a) worked with a customer named Ole Pedersen (such doesn't happen often in Monterey County), and
b) got a live "telemarketer call" from the "D-triple C" (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) asking for money.  First call from them I've ever gotten.  Being a real person, I went the extra mile of interrupting and saying "If I choose to give, I'll go to your website and do so" before hanging up.  Not that I don't "support" them; I used to periodically give.  I just got a thing about receiving calls from strangers asking for money.  Especially from the DCCC, because I'd unsubbed from their constant emails quite some time ago.

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