[Magdalen] Updates, Changes, and Re-Treads

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 18 00:42:19 UTC 2017

On 17/03/2017 18:04, cady soukup wrote:
> Dear ones,
> Sort of a status report -
> On April 1 the company division I work for, HPE Enterprise Services,
> splits and merges with a division of CSC to form a new company. What
> could possibly go wrong on April Fool's Day?

Some of the more cynical among us (says he metaphorically looking in a 
mirror) think it's appropriate than many governmental changes over here 
start that day.

With regard to the services the combining of the services seems an 
appropriate time to reconsider the musical style being used in your 
church.  That will require some hard, honest discussion to reach a 
consensus as to what is appropriate.


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