[Magdalen] It's Graduation Day

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Sun May 7 21:47:28 UTC 2017

Nice photo collection on Facebook, Scott.
I guess the MSU color green is REALLY green, judging
by the graduation gowns.  Reminds me of the green (and red)
in the UW-Madison MD degree academic hoods.
And of the little gown episode we had one year at Christ Church
A new choir director insisted on wearing his music degree academic
hood (pink!) for all liturgies.  When the next Choral Evensong  came
along, the entire choir, unusually well educated with bachelor's,  master's
degrees, PhDs, MD, and even a DDS, appeared in procession in
full academic gear.  We all had a good laugh, and he got the  point.
David S.

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