[Magdalen] Uber or Lyft drivers?

Suzie Buchanan buchanan.suzie at gmail.com
Thu May 11 03:32:35 UTC 2017

I haven't posted here in a while - but I do keep an eye on you all!

I haven't posted about this - and really don't know how to because I don't
want to trash a parish that still has so much potential, despite so much
dysfunction (some of which I saw, and tackled to my own 'professional'
detriment (such as a culture steeped in over-saturation in alcohol) - and
some that I never saw coming). . . but I am now an unemployed priest,
looking for another "priestly" job.  But in the meantime, I need to pay
bills.  I was underwater a huge amount when I sold my house to move here -
and am still paying that off, as well as a new mortgage.  I am trying to
not be anxious. It is not easy.

*Have any of you had experience driving for Uber or Lyft?  If so, any
recommendations, warnings, hints, etc??  *

I do welcome any and all prayers as I enter deeply into my own priestly
discernment.  I do not want to take the first job offered, simply because
it is offered, if it is not the right place for me to be.  I also don't
want to not have any jobs ever offered!  I have a search committee coming
to hear me preach this coming Sunday, and a local priest willing to offer
me her pulpit and altar for the occasion.  How this will work out moving
forward (if this one isn't the right place for me) I have no idea.

I am trying hard to live into what I need to preach this weekend:  Let not
your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God.  Believe also in Me.

Keep me in prayer.  Any advice (on Uber, Lyft, or parish openings) gladly


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