[Magdalen] Paging the Fleenerdude (and a bit more)

Jo Craddock jocraddock at gmail.com
Wed May 17 23:32:40 UTC 2017

Our choir director for the past six years (also on staff at Episcopal 
School BR in music, and in tech/comm depts) has accepted a position at 
Interlochen Academy, and is leaving Tuesday for Traverse City.

He and his husband are delightful, talented, kind people, well-loved by 
friends here, and have struggled with attempting to foster and/or adopt 
in the Louisiana climate; most recently a fraudulent birth mother and 
agency bankruptcy. They need a fresh start.

Jason (the choir director) was confirmed in the Episcopal Church while a 
choir member; Grant is a gentle soul, truly "spiritual, but not 
religious." He would bristle at that description, I believe, but it's 
true in the best sense of the phrase.

Can you recommend where Jason might start a search for a new spiritual home?

We're losing Jason, and our "As You Are" (aka "Yaya," "Hootinanny," 
"Praise" <is ha...IMNSHO>) service leader on the same Sunday. The latter 
is retiring. The service peaked at about 35-40 attendees (including 
eight singers/musicians) years ago, and is down to 15-17, now. /If/ we 
need such a service (with my Baptist hymnal history, I initially 
applauded the move, but this leader is too, too much...), it needs to 
restart from the ground up, so this is a good thing.

Our interim continues to drop shake-up bombs, and this one hits home. 
Rodger, who volunteered with property committee/facilities management 
off and on for years before going on staff four years ago, has been 
advised his supervisory position is being eliminated and we will begin 
outsourcing to get "more boots on the ground" in four weeks (with no 
supervisor of planning, contractors, etc., but eh...). Our HR is now 
outsourced (didn't have an HR position, previously); our payroll is 
outsourced; I fully expect to hear of outsourcing for my position at any 
time. It lowers the salary lines on the financial statements and moves 
those big numbers to expenses; that looks likes action!


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