[Magdalen] Prayer Request---R.I.P. Tamia

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sat May 20 11:00:58 UTC 2017

Whew!  Prayers for all you have named, Jay.  May Tamia rest in eternal


On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I ask prayers for the repose of Tamia, 16 years old, who was shot to death
> last Saturday in the town where I lived for 35 years. I didn't know her,
> but some of my grands did, apparently. It was kind of a "Tom Dooley"
> situation in that she was shot by a young man with whom she had a sort of
> off-on relationship. They were at a local park, they argued, and he shot
> her in the head, apparently thinking this was the way to settle the
> argument. He has been charged with second degree murder.
> I ask prayers for Tamia's soul, and for the comfort of her family and
> friends. I can only ask for prayers that justice be done to the young man
> who shot her. He is, by the way, legally an adult at 19 years old.

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