[Magdalen] Thanks

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 03:07:44 UTC 2017

What wonderful news Ann! Celebrating with you indeed!

On Oct 31, 2017, at 9:44 PM, Ann Markle <ann.markle at aya.yale.edu> wrote:

My Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words on the death of my dear
Clementine. I miss her greatly, and my home and heart feel pretty sad and
empty. One of these days I’ll have a new friend, but not just yet. Your
messages really did give me comfort.

On a happier note, I’ve accepted the position of half-time rector of
Trinity Church, Lancaster, NY. Lancaster is a little village just outside
Buffalo. I’ve loved the long term supply positions I’ve served in since I
returned to Buffalo, but this position was suggested to me, and once again,
the pieces fell into place in such a way that it feels truly like a call.
This seems to be what God has in mind for me right now. It feels like a
good fit. I'll continue to live here in my city apartment (I really am a
city girl), and serve this small parish half-time. It’s about a day more
than I’m working now, and I can continue with my yoga, my women’s study
group, my volunteer work, and my writing. I’m not one of those people who
will find herself working more than I’ve agreed to. If they come to need
more than I can give them, I’ll happily hand the job over to someone who
can give them more, with no hard feelings at all. So this is an occasion
for celebration, and I invite you to join me in that.


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY

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