[Magdalen] Thanks

Joseph Cirou romanos at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 1 12:10:38 UTC 2017


I am so happy another rector's call fell into your lap!
Somehow I have missed knowing that you were in a rector's position somewhere. I felt I was a distant parishioner when you were at St. Raphael's. That first evensong was the occasion of my meeting other listsibs with whom I still correspond. I remember all your dogs from Crossville. I  don't think there will be the  same personal ties to your new parish  except knowing that a small town outside of Buffalo is very fortunate!

Joe Cirou

-----Original Message-----
>From: Ann Markle <ann.markle at aya.yale.edu>
>Sent: Oct 31, 2017 10:44 PM
>To: "magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
>Subject: [Magdalen] Thanks
>My Friends,
>Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words on the death of my dear
>Clementine. I miss her greatly, and my home and heart feel pretty sad and
>empty. One of these days I’ll have a new friend, but not just yet. Your
>messages really did give me comfort.
>On a happier note, I’ve accepted the position of half-time rector of
>Trinity Church, Lancaster, NY. Lancaster is a little village just outside
>Buffalo. I’ve loved the long term supply positions I’ve served in since I
>returned to Buffalo, but this position was suggested to me, and once again,
>the pieces fell into place in such a way that it feels truly like a call.
>This seems to be what God has in mind for me right now. It feels like a
>good fit. I'll continue to live here in my city apartment (I really am a
>city girl), and serve this small parish half-time. It’s about a day more
>than I’m working now, and I can continue with my yoga, my women’s study
>group, my volunteer work, and my writing. I’m not one of those people who
>will find herself working more than I’ve agreed to. If they come to need
>more than I can give them, I’ll happily hand the job over to someone who
>can give them more, with no hard feelings at all. So this is an occasion
>for celebration, and I invite you to join me in that.
>The Rev. Ann Markle
>Buffalo, NY

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