[Magdalen] Brother headed for ordination

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Wed Nov 22 00:01:01 UTC 2017

>>>Absent that the seminary-trained person may set themselves up 
as pastor of an independent church which they lead without any wider 
oversight. That way can lie all sorts of problems with the pastor 
potentially having an over-inflated idea of his own ability to teach 
Christian truth.<<<

So true, says the defunct indie Catholic priest.

But I have a question.  Aside from the obvious concern of over-inflation, as long as an "Episcopally" / "Anglicanly" ordained-but-uncalled (to a specific ministry within the organisation that ordained him/her) cleric sets up in such a way as to be completely transparent about his/her indie status, would there necessarily be all that much to worry about?  (In my experience, for every nutjob there's at least one decent one -- though the two can often be blended within the same person.)  In my pipe dream era prior to and for a while after ordination, I envisioned leading a parish with a name consisting of whatever the name might be followed immediately by a parenthetical "Independent Episcopalian" (in those days I was putting the word "Traditional" before "Episcopalian", but now I certainly wouldn't, though I would most likely still use the 1928).

M J (Mike) Logsdon.

"Aaugh[.]" -- Charles Brown.
"Avoid dull needles and use a soft cloth." -- E Kovacs.

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