[Magdalen] Brother headed for ordination

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 16:12:48 UTC 2017

Yes, I know of two priests who really should have gone that route.
Both eventually resigned their orders.
It should have been clear from the beginning that their ministries were
essentially diaconal.
And they needed the bishop’s structure and muscle to do the work they were
called to do.
As priests, they floundered. Then foundered.

One of them (a little like you, Scott) had a deeply-rooted need to please.
The committee loved her, perhaps because they thought she’d be easy to
manipulate and control.
The other was called to work with exclusively with the poor.

The church I attend in Florida relies heavily on deacons,
and they do amazing work.

On Wednesday, November 22, 2017, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

> One of my friends in E. TN (past 50, though not a lot) was ordained to the
> vocational diaconate last year. E. TN is a very pro-vocational diaconate
> diocese. I don't know now Chicago is.

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