[Magdalen] Fwd: Re: silence?

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 15 21:50:01 UTC 2017

On 15/10/2017 21:23, Michael Bishop wrote:
> Good to her from you,Lynn. I realised after I had sent my note to you 
> that it had not gone to the list so had to forward it.
> Nottinghamshire is very much Robin Hood Country. Years ago I had a 
> year holding the office of chaplain to the High Sheriff of 
> Nottighamshire - the High Sheriff being the office held by Robin 
> Hood's traditional enemy. Sherwood Forest is just a few miles from 
> where I now live. I grew up in Nottigham,

Nottingham is a very fine city though as I now live in fairly flat 
Bedford the hills are a bit of a pull to climb :-) I am also surprised 
that it doesn't collapse in on itself as the ground is riddled with 
caves, not all of them yet surveyed, including under the shopping 
centre. People used to live and work in those caves and, the rock being 
soft, when they needed a bit more room they simply scraped away a bit 
more of the rock. From the castle on top of the hill there's a direct 
route through the tunnels (not that I've taken it) to a very old pub 
down at the bottom. Some Brits may view it as a downside of the city 
that it also houses a (the main?) centre of the Internal Revenue Service 
who deal with income tax.


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