[Magdalen] Major development in Episcopal Church -- the squeaky wheel gets ...

James Oppenheimer-Crawford oppenheimerjw at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 07:02:00 UTC 2017

My beloved spouse had some excellent news for me the other day:

After an unfortunate lapse in judgment, Forward Movement has decided to
return to publication of one of the most important theological documents of
the 20-21st century, namely the Episcocats calendar.

They will have a 2018 calendar.  I must say I missed their dry humor, and
some real zingers, like the cats sitting around an obviously no longer
functioning church's window with the caption:

"Yessir, right up to the end, they kept saying, 'Charity begins at home.' "

Another one was a picture of a cat hissing aggressively. The caption read:

"I SAID, the peace of the Lord be ALWAYS with you!"

James W. Oppenheimer-Crawford
*“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
except in memory. LLAP**”  -- *Leonard Nimoy

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