[Magdalen] Funeral Service at Saint Martin's, Houston.

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 17:57:33 UTC 2018

Thank you, Don.  Funerals are for those who have experienced loss of a
loved one or family member or friend and who are grieving.  The Very Rev.
Sam Candler once told me you cannot do anything wrong in a funeral
liturgy...then he said about a particular funeral he had just officiated,
"I think we came close to doing something wrong today."  As long as this
liturgy - a work of the Bush people - was a blessing to them, it was a
wonderful service.

Ginga Wilder

On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 10:18 AM, Don Boyd <thedonboyd at austin.rr.com> wrote:

> I am appalled by the number and tone of posts commenting on Mrs. Bush's
> funeral as if it had been a poorly executed, ineptly performed
> entertainment.  (Perhaps one shouldn't expect any better from benighted
> rich Republican Texans whose families were probably Baptist a generation or
> two back.)
>   From what I've read and heard about St Martin's, it is unlikely that I
> would choose to make it my parish home if I lived in Houston.  I wouldn't
> have to -- Houston  is blessed with enough diversity in parishes'
> liturgical style preference that anyone can find a parish that feels like
> home.  The Bushes chose St Martins.
> If believing that my preferences are the only right ones and all other
> preferences are wrong, i would have to believe that most parishes get
> things wrong.   I myself  prefer yellow-dog Democratic politics, Rite II
> liturgy, inclusive church leadership, and I joyfully kneel beside sisters
> and brothers in Christ wherever they may be on their own journeys of faith.
> I have no idea whether i and those with similar views are "right".
> Paraphasing St Louie Crew-Clay put it,  I don't expect to bang on the
> Pearly Gates yelling "let me in!  Let me in!  I was on the right side of
> all the issues!"  but I hope for the grace to whisper "God be merciful to
> me, a sinner."
> Sent from my Jitterbug
> On Apr 22, 2018 7:22 AM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I was struck by the rector’s mention of families re-united in heaven.
> > Like Episcopalians are flirting with Mormonism it seemed.
> > Never heard that before.
> > Is it a regional thing?
> > -M

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