[Magdalen] Gump's San Francisco Closes.

Scott Knitter scottknitter at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 02:50:24 UTC 2018

Last Saturday I was in Macy's on State (the old flagship Marshall Field's)
and was depressed to see the awful, ugly construction zones
everywhere...departments obscured by white sheeting, the usual stupid
Macy's signs saying "Pardon our dust! We've got wonderful things in store!"
Ugh...I see what you did there, Macy's..."in store." Har de frickin' har
har. Busted escalators and elevators everywhere. Precious few shoppers on
the eight (used to be 10 or 11) shopping floors. Why not just pack up the
place and leave?

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 7:37 PM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> An unexpected casualty of the department store closings in the USA
> is Gump's, San Francisco.  The store and it's periodic catalog have
> been at the high end of quality, and occupying a niche of specialisation
> in Asian merchandise.  I thought they were immune to closing, but
> obviously and surprisingly, not.
> I used to get into the store at least once a year, but recently I've
> ordered from their catalog.
> Along with the demise of the downtown Minneapolis store that was the
> heart of that shopping area (Dayton's/Marshall Field's/Macy's), these
> highlight some of what was very good in many of our lives.
> I'd guess that half of my home furnishings are from those two department
> stores.  We are poorer for the loss of American department stores.
> Somehow, online shopping isn't the same.
> RIP Gumps San Francisco.
> David S.

Scott R. Knitter
Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA

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