[Magdalen] Christmastide blessings & A Happy New Year

Clarissa Canning canplum at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 02:36:53 UTC 2018

Michael & I had a nice Christmas. His services were one every day for 4
Days the last on Christmas Eve in community we live.  We face  time our
kids as usually none come to us.  we got invited to have Turkey dinner by a
member of community at a seniors home.  We took a trip to Brandon and had a
Greek dinner.  I loved the little gifts a few people have gave. mike loves
food things he gifted those. I will be ready to eat healthier in the New
Year . I had to get new phone so we both got iPhones. I enjoy reading about
everyone’s holidays. I worked many hours at Daycare in Dec.  We are in deep
freeze time outside so we take turns taking the dogs out!   Peace to all
this new year.

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