[Magdalen] FW: Computer stuff

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 00:06:48 UTC 2018

I consistently delete gmail on the site about once a month because they are stored on my pc 
I Click select all the. They all get “checked” the. Select delete. Often a message appears above the email that asks - select all mail? I click yes. It confirms and deletes. Then I go ahead not trash and delete again. 

On Feb 23, 2018, at 4:44 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:

Well, I have no idea how many I have, but for some reason Gmail won’t let me trash them the way Yahoo will—my only choice is to “archive” them, so I probably have a gazillion!! Does anyone know why you can’t just trash them?

> On Feb 23, 2018, at 5:28 PM, Scott Knitter <scottknitter at gmail.com> wrote:
> 152,562 here.
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 3:49 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Even my newly created folders have turned up in Gmail.  Now if I could
>> just see how to file an important message in one of those folders.
>> It’s getting close to Friday beer time.  My poor old brain is exhausted
>> after an afternoon of this!
>> Marion, a pilgrim
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>> From: Lynn Ronkainen
>> Sent: February 23, 2018 4:41 PM
>> To: magdalen at herberthouse.org
>> Subject: Re: [Magdalen] FW: Computer stuff
>> You have 90,000 messages? Be still my heart,  I thought I was crazy to
>> have 40,000 ; )
>> Lynn
>> On Feb 23, 2018, at 2:15 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>> From: Marion Thompson
>> Sent: February 23, 2018 3:07 PM
>> To: magdalene at herberthouse.org
>> Subject: Computer stuff
>> All of a sudden here I am in Gmail.  Wierd.  I seem to have been
>> transported to another planet.  The Gmail icon appeared in place of Mozilla
>> Thunderbird.  What did I hit?  There was a moment when Thunderbird seized
>> up under the weight of, well, everything.   I was in Facebook land and a
>> window appeared lower right telling me of a new email having come in from
>> an old friend.  Without thinking I clicked on that message.  It clearly was
>> having trouble connecting, so I clicked on the X, like forget I said that.
>> Eventually another screen appeared giving three choices.  Cancel the
>> program is what I hit, thinking I would simply get out of the big clog.
>> Went back to FB and have just noticed the Gmail symbol like an envelope.
>> No sign of the Thunderbird one.  Clicked on the new icon and up came the
>> current emails I had seen earlier today on T’bird.
>> .
>> I think someone suggested going to Gmail as a way to solve my problem.  Is
>> this a sign of divine intervention?
>> T’Bird is still there with its 90,000+ messages.  Can I safely ignore it?
>> Marion, a pilgrim
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> -- 
> Scott R. Knitter
> Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA

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