[Magdalen] New prayer request.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Tue Feb 27 17:13:15 UTC 2018

I guess I'm at my lowest rung right now.  I might find myself resigning my job of 25 years relatively soon, maybe even as early as close of business today.  I know myself well enough to know at least some of the factors involved, but be that as it may, I just can't stand my boss anymore.  On again / off again praise / negativity to the point where I'm worried my health is beginning to suffer.  It'll suffer even more if I lose my medical insurance, but keel over one way or another, one still ends up flat on the floor.

Yes, I need therapy, and yes I'll definitely end up seeking it out (not hard, as there's always been one in the background always willing to help).  But therapy won't fix the untenable situation at present, about which I must decide soon.

It's only in situations like this that one regrets the otherwise un-regrettable decision to divorce so long ago.

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