[Magdalen] DNA story

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 2 23:22:09 UTC 2018

On 02/01/2018 23:11, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
> And, when you consider the way they did things back in the day, it's
> amazing there were not more of these mix-ups.  The element of grace I see
> in this is that the lady did get her answers, but in a way that apred her
> father, who had nothing but his ethnic identity to call his own.
> Coincidence? Hah.

I keep thinking about researching my ancestry through DNA. (A niece is 
trying to develop a family tree) I haven't done anything yet but those 
who have met me will, I think, agree that my hair is atypical for a 
Brit. One of my nicknames in my youth was Yogi Bear because my hair does 
not stick close to my scalp and defies most efforts to style it.


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