[Magdalen] Travel advice: Chicago - NYC - Vermont

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Wed Jan 24 00:27:47 UTC 2018

On 23/01/2018 23:31, Mahoney, W. Michael wrote:
> Scott -
> I'd spend more than few dollars to avoid New York City unless I had really
> good reason to be in New York City.  Also, Google's satellite map suggests
> that the drive from Albany would be lovely.
> I doubt that there is a flight from England that lands in La Guardia.  But
> lots of them land in Logan and it is easy to get out of Logan on the Mass
> Pike towards Albany - - - though you would turn North before you got that
> far.

I agree that La Guardia is essentially for domestic rather than 
international travel. Flights would be to JFK or Newark. From England to 
VT Boston is the obvious airport to use, and it's a lovely city which 
featured in a BBC TV programme yesterday as well. If Scott's friend 
wants to visit NYC then there are various ways to get from Albany or 
Boston to there, including the train. One experience of that might well 
persuade hi never to complain about the state of UK railway tracks :-)


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