[Magdalen] Obama lecture

sally.davies at gmail.com sally.davies at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 12:10:50 UTC 2018

Youtube.com/SABCNews, if anyone is awake and wants to follow. Just starting
now with Soweto Gospel Choir singing the. National Anthem, Nkosi Sikelel'e

Sally D

On Tue, 17 Jul 2018 at 12:28 PM <sally.davies at gmail.com> wrote:

> While the world continues to reel in shock at the events of Helsinki,
> South Africans are excited about a much anticipated event...the Nelson
> Mandela Memorial Lecture, delivered by a certain Barack H. Obama!
> Being Mandela's Centenary this year, it's a huge event, taking place at a
> stadium in Johannesburg with an audience of 14 000 from around the world
> plus TV audiences.
> Whatever he's going to share with us, "it's going to be lit" as social
> media likes to say. And is the first major address to be given by Obama
> since he kicked off the shackles of campaigning and of high office.
> Should be starting within the hour...can't wait!
> Sally D

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