[Magdalen] Those Who Stay/Depart

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 19:39:14 UTC 2018

LOL, Bob.
But I suspect that particular crop of parishoners
will have been harvested and winnowed
long before the RCs ordain women.

Not that they won’t ever.
But I think it’s more than a decade away.
Or two popes.
Whichever comes first.

On Tuesday, June 12, 2018, Bob Rea <petard at petard.us> wrote:
> > Moyer eventually led a fairly large contingent of the parish out of the
> > experience. I wonder how those who make that decision mainly in order to
> > preserve a traditionalist understanding of various issues would react
> > should the holy mother church eventually become more open minded.
> Our Holy Mother Church is the CofE. Rome is our Holy Maiden Aunt.

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