[Magdalen] March tomorrow

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Mon Mar 26 13:50:23 UTC 2018

Our Bishop encouraged clergy to wear clericals and join him to make a show
of solidarity. I looked and looked, but didn’t see him or a single other
Episcopal priest. What I did see was laity (all women, as it happens) from
both Good Shepherd (where I served for 18 months) and Trinity (my current
parish). In fact, I was the only one I saw in a clerical collar at all.
Doesn’t mean they weren’t there (in such a big crowd), but we weren’t as
visible as I’d like us to have been.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 7:55 AM Ginga Wilder <gingawilder at gmail.com> wrote:

> Estimates are that 1200 - 1500 people participated in the Charleston March
> for Our Lives.  Good Shepherd added 20 to that number.  Other diocesan
> churches also participated.  Bishop Skip and Bonnie Adams led the way.
> Good Shepherd photos of the march, including some from news media, are
> posted here.
> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.797309257133123.1073741925.135546039976118&type=1&l=674ec75c72
> >

The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY

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