[Magdalen] Prayers for my church

Christopher Hart cervus51 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 01:32:24 UTC 2018

Very early in our marriage, possibly in its first year, Lisa and I were
spending a couple of days in Quebec City. We took a side trip to the famous
shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupré. I remember praying there and entrusting my
wife to St. Anne. I've had a special fondness for our Lady's mother ever

On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 4:26 PM Scott Knitter <scottknitter at gmail.com>

> Our parish in Chicago, Ascension, has a soft spot for Ss. Joachim & Anna,
> especially Anna, as we also house the Chicago convent of the Order of St.
> Anne (two nuns left here, and five in Arlington, Mass.). The doorway into
> our church from the narthex is flanked by carved wood statues of St. Anne
> (with Our Lady as a girl) and John Mason Neale.
> Praying for your community, Jay, and for you in your new commitment
> --
> Scott R. Knitter
> Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA


Christopher Hart

List Mail Address: cervus51 at gmail.com
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