[Magdalen] National Cathedral statement

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Aug 1 00:01:09 UTC 2019

On 31/07/2019 23:30, ME Michaud wrote:
> https://www.episcopalnewsservice.org/2019/07/31/violent-dehumanizing-dangerous-national-cathedrals-sharp-criticism-of-trump-resonates-across-america/
> I've been hearing Washingtonians claim all day long that the Cathedral
> NEVER gets involved in politics, so I have to tell this story.

I hold to Archbishop Desmond Tutu's observation that when people say 
that the Church should not be involved im politics he wonders what Bible 
they are reading. The Church is about people. Politics (if you look at 
its etymology as a word) is about people. The Church must have something 
to say about how people are treated. That is what Jesus came to say as well.


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