[Magdalen] Our Canadian General Synod

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 00:25:27 UTC 2019

Back to your earlier question, Roger:  General Synod is every three years;
the next one is Calgary 2022.  Interesting, giving the conservative bent of
that bishop.  Also at this GS we elected members of the Council of General
Synod, who do all the heavy lifting between times and they meet for several
days three or four times a year at cross-country locations.  CoGS brought
forth a document 'A Word from the Church' covering key areas and with five
important Affirmations in summation.  This document, allowing for
difference of opinion and interpretation in different places, was
resoundingly supported, 84%, and so it was all the harder when despite that
great support, the tiny wording c

Marion, a pilgrim

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 8:11 PM Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>

> Oh, yes, we definitely had a role.  Can't complain about that.  The C of E
> process is positively byzantine!  It would frustrate in the extreme to have
> that sort of yesteryear procedure as the norm.
> Marion, a pilgrim
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:52 PM Roger Stokes via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> On 31/07/2019 16:59, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> > We votedt in two houses, clergy and laity.  After all, the HoB had had
>> > their say in making the nominations! of the five candidates! They weree
>> not
>> > in the building but sequestered at the hotel.  On the fourth ballot,
>> +Linda
>> > Nichols, now of Huron, formerly of Toronto, won over +Jane Alexander,
>> > Edmonton, the two left standing.  After the third ballot, a motion for
>> > further nominations was defeated.  Interestingly, the Youth Delegates
>> had
>> > face time  beforehand with the five candidates, a privilege Clergy and
>> > Laity did not receive.
>> At least you had a role unlike in TEC where the HoB presents a candidate
>> essentially to be acclaimed by the House of Deputies. I'm not sure what
>> happens in Scotland and Wales but I think the decision there is for the
>> House of Bishops to elect one of their number to the position. In the
>> Church of England the process is different as the Primacy is linked to
>> the See of Canterbury. This means that the process follows the general
>> practice of nominations to diocesan Sees where the Crown Nominations
>> Commission, a Church established body, but this time with a Crown
>> nominated Chair, including clergy and laity comes up with a name to
>> present to the Queen for nomination and election. Despite what some
>> think the Prime Minister is effectively the postman conveying the
>> message rather than making the final selection and that has been the
>> case since 2007 when Gordon Brown , as Prime Minister, said he should
>> not have that discretion to choose between two nominees to present to
>> Her Majesty.
>> Roger

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