[Magdalen] Thoughts...

Sheila Ketler debbiedimond52 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 1 16:42:17 UTC 2019

This is a dismal day and I am sitting at my computer with two Bibles open
by my side. I have been perusing the Psalms praying the Psalms for comfort.
I am always drawn back to Ps 23... one of the most loved Psalms... I also
like 139 and I like 150 but there are many others... I was reminded today
in the Shabbat Shalom Weekly to honour the Sabbath and keep it Holy... how
many of us are actually doing that nowadays? Attendance at church shows us
that less and less people attended church on a regular basis (this is why I
have ended up laid off from organist's positions in 3 Anglican parishes as
they were forced to close their doors...)
I try not to be bitter about this it is just the way it is things happen...
in fact bad things can happen to good people...
Trying to prepare myself for surgery keeping an open mind and a brave face
on it...

Try to keep safe if you live in Ontario as we have awful weather here
today... not a day to be out in...


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