[Magdalen] An oldie but a goodie...

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 01:09:48 UTC 2019

That's grand, Sheila.   Thank you!

 I'm not sure if I was part of the big List Meet.  I remember joining in
after Susan Hutchison's priesting at the Redeemer and going out after with
Molly Wolf and the Gandons and some others, and at some earlier event,
where we had beer or sherry in the SMM garden before adjourning for lunch.
I do remember that Mary Jane, the Librarian, was in Toronto for a
conference, but that may well have been another time.

Marion, a pilgrim

On Sun, Dec 1, 2019 at 12:59 PM Sheila Ketler <debbiedimond52 at gmail.com>

> I think I wrote this as an Advent blessing way back in the St. Sam's glory
> days - anyone remember the list meet we had in 2000 in Toronto?
> anyway this is for your contemplation enjoy it!!
> Twenty-third Psalm reversed
> I am like a sheep without a Shepherd
> I am like a lamb who has strayed away.
> I long for the cool clear waters of redemption,
> I long for the loving Hand of God in mine.
> I seek Yahweh in all the days and ways of life,
> I seek Him to restore, and heal my hurting heart.
> I wait for the return of the Holy One,
> When all will be restored and made new.
> Until then, we wait in expectation,
> We wait for the Saving Glory of the G-d of Israel.
> Peace and blessings
> Sheila

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