[Magdalen] Merry Christmas!

P. Dan Brittain pdan.brittain at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 01:58:38 UTC 2019

On Wed, Dec 25, 2019 at 1:10 PM Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

> We are having a quiet Christmas at home, just the two of us. I haven't
> mentioned this previously onlist because I assumed (most likely
> incorrectly) that most of you had seen the  picture of my engagement ring
> on  Facebook. However, this is our last Christmas as an unmarried couple.
> We will be married three days hence in a quiet friends and family ceremony
> at Mayland Christian Church down the road and around the corner from us, in
> an Orthodox ceremony performed by Fr. Kyrill of my parish. Family will be
> descending on us in a couple of days.

Great news.

We just returned from Iowa - our celebration had all but one of the family
gathered (he couldn't get off from work) and he was included by skype.

P. Dan Brittain
Harrison, Arkansas

Transcriptions, Arrangements and Original Compositions
Wind Band, Brass Band, Choir, and Ensembles

http//:pdanbrittain.com  Or  at Sheet Music Plus

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