[Magdalen] After General Synod in Vancouver for ACC lost the marriage amendment vote .

Clarissa Canning canplum at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 19:34:03 UTC 2019

i felt very sad yesterday . today I had a MP service to do with my little
congregation in Glenboro Mb. Many people in Manitoba are on traditional
side .  I did some Prayers of People written for GS from Newfoundlander.
The Gospel was “ Good Samaritan “ .  I felt really called to say something
. During the announcements at the end I shared more about my daughter .
Specifically that she is bi sexual . I told them I loved them too . Was
just moved by the spirit . I  was emotional and could not sing much of the
 of Abide with me”.  I got hugs at end of service and we continued about
controversial opinions in the church and I shared of my parents experience
with this and parish we were at a short time.  we talked of forgiveness I
order to move on . Wow It felt freeing .

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