[Magdalen] re Where were you?

Michael Bishop rev at michaelbishop.name
Wed Jul 17 14:28:24 UTC 2019

That is an amazing link. Looking up on the net for details, I see that actually only three crew died - one was thrown clear but had a parachute problem which resulted in his death.    The other death was that of a woman in the employees canteen at a dyeworks which was hit by falling debris

God bless

Michael Bishop
rev at michaelbishop.name

> On 17 Jul 2019, at 2:57 pm, Brian Reid <reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us> wrote:
>> On 2019-07-17 03:35, Michael Bishop wrote:
>> What I actually saw, though was not
>> Sputnik but rather a pair of RAF De Havilland Vampire Jets having a
>> head-on collision which killed four crew plus one civilian on the
>> ground.
> Small world. Cynthia McFarland's mother's first husband was piloting one of those jets.

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