[Magdalen] Interesting

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri May 31 21:27:09 UTC 2019

I see from Episcopal News Service that support for the beleaguered 
Church in South Sudan is taking another branch with the appointment of a 
bishop to minister to the South Sudanese diaspora. Following his 
retirement as Rector of Christ Episcopal Church in La Crosse, WI on 
Sunday Patrick Augustine will become an assistant bishop in the Diocese 
of Bor, South Sudan, dividing his time between the two countries as a 
bridge between them. He will be relying on a non-profit organisation for 
his expenses and his Church pension for his income and I find it 
interesting that the RC Diocese of La Crosse has already made a donation 
to that non-profit fund. I assume that the episcopal ordination will be 
on Letters Dimissory from South Sudan but the article gives no 
indication of when that will happen.



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