[Magdalen] Fall Down Go Boom.

Christopher Hart cervus51 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 02:17:21 UTC 2019

I appreciate all of these suggestions. I have an Apple watch myself (early
edition), but my dear wife doesn't seem interested in one. An added
complication for her is that she is extremely hard of hearing. She has been
diagnosed with Bilateral Meniere's Disease which is also the source of much
of her balance difficulty. She finds it almost impossible to talk on the
telephone, although she does text pretty well.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 5:57 PM ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:

> Actually this is what kept me from buying one (after the hospice nurse
> explained it all).
> Fumbling with a covering trying to summon help while folded up in a bathtub
> sounds pretty daunting. And the watch is of no use whatsoever lying on the
> counter next to the toilet.
> -M
> On Monday, October 28, 2019, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> > You can cover the watch with a rubber glove or plastic bag, or some
> plastic
> > wrap if you're super concerned.
> >
> >


Christopher Hart

List Mail Address: cervus51 at gmail.com
Personal Mail: cervus at veritasliberat.net
Twitter: @cervus51

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