[Magdalen] Alabama Song.

Christopher Hart cervus51 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 01:51:04 UTC 2019

Is that the same song which The Doors had on their first album? Sounds like
the same lyric.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2019 at 10:26 AM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> With all this attention via Trump to the State of Alabama, I forgot
> aboutthe opera, (Rise and Fall of the City of ) Mahogonny,  with music by
> KurtWeill and German lyrics by Bertold Brecht.  It is in the world
> wideopera repertoire, and the Met Opera New York had a production afew
> years ago.  The opera is a political satire.  Luckily,Kurt Weilleluded
> Hitler.  Another less serious opera, "Three Penny Opera"followed Mahogonny
> by a year.(1931).
> There is a Mahogonny opera song with lyrics to the effect:  "Show me the
> way to thenext whiskey bar or I tell you I must die.  Oh you know why.
> Moonof Alabama, etc."
> We could rename the song, "The Weather Song."
> You tube has several versions of excerpts..
> David S.


Christopher Hart

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