[Magdalen] What are we binge-watching?

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 16:07:45 UTC 2020

I know we aren't all just reading. I KNOW we aren't. Come on, 'fess up.
I'll go first.

We're watching "Picard", 2 episodes a night because Jack says that's all he
can digest. It *is* pretty dense and dark. After that I want to finish up
"Justified", which we started last year, and then go on to "Star Trek"

By myself, I'm watching "Ancestral Land", a Russian series I discovered on
Amazon Prime. Think "War and Peace" as a 20th century telenovela. It's
amazing, although dark. I've really grown to love most of the characters,
especially Varvara.  I knew before watching it that Russia was probably one
of the most severely affected of all countries in WWII, but the way it's
portrayed in this drama really brings it home. A couple of scenes from last
 night...one where the military surgeon, standing in the snow outside the
hospital, confesses to the nurse standing beside him that  his "soul is
sick". Meanwhile, far away, his wife, a field nurse, is dragging her
captain, the only survivor of his unit, through the snow, trying to find
help, but he dies. Through the whole thing, there is kind of a common
thread....grandmothers. What a tough old bunch they are. And I keep
thinking, don't p*ss off the grandmothers. Anyway, I recommend the series,
despite the fact that the subtitles can be annoying and clumsy at times.

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