[Magdalen] What are we binge-watching?

Richard S. Crawford richard at underpope.com
Wed Apr 1 16:44:26 UTC 2020

We took advantage of the free month trial of Acorn.tv and have been binging
on "Doc Martin". It's like a low-key "House M.D." set in a small village in
Cornwall. We also have "Star Trek: Picard" to watch, but it's
pretty intense, so we've only seen one episode so far.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 9:37 AM Chad Wohlers <chad at satucket.com> wrote:

> I'm about to watch the last episode (9th Inning) of Ken Burns' Baseball,
> which I've never seen. As the chronology gets later, I remember more and
> more. Then we get to the '69 miracle Mets, I remember it all, as I was
> home that summer, in between college & grad school, and my mother was a
> major Mets fan, even back to the days of Marvelous Marv Throneberry
> (whom they also mentioned ans showed "in action").
> I'm seriously considering giving WGBH $60 so I can watch even more stuff.
> And waiting for the snow to finally go away -
> --
> Chad Wohlers
> chad at satucket.com
> Woodbury, VT   USA
> On 4/1/2020 12:19 PM, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> > I am binge-watching "Call the Midwife" on Netflix  Several of my
> > friends love this show, but John and I share a television and he has
> never
> > been interested in it.  (He's watching Tiger King, which is not my
> thing.)
> > I'm glad to have several years of episodes to look forward to.  Right
> now,
> > I'm watching two/day.
> >
> > And, I confess, I am following MSNBC closely during my waking hours.  I
> > make no apologies.
> >
> > Ginga
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 12:08 PM Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I know we aren't all just reading. I KNOW we aren't. Come on, 'fess up.
> >> I'll go first.
> >>
> >> We're watching "Picard", 2 episodes a night because Jack says that's
> all he
> >> can digest. It *is* pretty dense and dark. After that I want to finish
> up
> >> "Justified", which we started last year, and then go on to "Star Trek"
> >> Discovery".
> >>
> >> By myself, I'm watching "Ancestral Land", a Russian series I discovered
> on
> >> Amazon Prime. Think "War and Peace" as a 20th century telenovela. It's
> >> amazing, although dark. I've really grown to love most of the
> characters,
> >> especially Varvara.  I knew before watching it that Russia was probably
> one
> >> of the most severely affected of all countries in WWII, but the way it's
> >> portrayed in this drama really brings it home. A couple of scenes from
> last
> >>   night...one where the military surgeon, standing in the snow outside
> the
> >> hospital, confesses to the nurse standing beside him that  his "soul is
> >> sick". Meanwhile, far away, his wife, a field nurse, is dragging her
> >> captain, the only survivor of his unit, through the snow, trying to find
> >> help, but he dies. Through the whole thing, there is kind of a common
> >> thread....grandmothers. What a tough old bunch they are. And I keep
> >> thinking, don't p*ss off the grandmothers. Anyway, I recommend the
> series,
> >> despite the fact that the subtitles can be annoying and clumsy at times.
> >>


Richard S. Crawford

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