[Magdalen] Prayer request

P. Dan Brittain pdan.brittain at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 03:21:10 UTC 2020

Had a note this afternoon from our daughter-in-law regarding their adopted
son - he is in his 20's, severely autistic. He has been in a care home for
a couple of years. He has had frequent seizures since very young.
Yesterday he was taken to the ER in Grinnell, IA. With the Corona going on,
no one is allowed in the ER, the doc gave him a seizure med which caused an
even more severe reaction. Had Jaz been allowed in, she could have told the
doc not to use that one.

That's not the worst of it - the home where he is living has someone with
Covid19. They found out today that Marc also has it.

We covet your prayers for Marc, Jaz, Jason and Marc's brothers.



P. Dan Brittain
Harrison, Arkansas

Transcriptions, Arrangements and Original Compositions
Wind Band, Brass Band, Choir, and Ensembles

http//:pdanbrittain.com  Or  at Sheet Music Plus

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