[Magdalen] Updates from here...

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Sat Aug 29 20:55:07 UTC 2020

Prayers for a smooth audition and a calm demeanor. Keep us posted. 

On Aug 29, 2020, at 2:37 PM, Sheila Ketler <debbiedimond52 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone
So the church I attend locally has an opening for a director of music...
After much prayerful thought and careful consideration I decided to throw
my hat into the ring and I sent off a resume several weeks ago now... They
increased the deadline (I guess to get more applicants..) and I just
received an email requesting an interview/audition. I will play the
instrument they have in the church it is a Yamaha keyboard. I am used to
playing either a piano or an organ (pipe or otherwise) but I have worked
with a Yamaha keyboard before... Now I am trying to quash my nervousness
and try to decide what I want to play and what do I want to ask them??
wish me luck!! and some prayers would also be helpful...


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