[Magdalen] Prayers for my daughter

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 18:55:17 UTC 2020

Oh dear, Marion.  Prayers for a good recovery for Fiona.


On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 1:20 PM Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>

> My daughter, Fiona, is a keen cyclist and is now married into that.  She
> met Carlo on her ride across Canada for Sears Kids with Cancer in 2011 when
> she turned 50. I digress...
> Yesterday  they were all out doing that and she clipped the wheel of the
> fellow she was drafting.  Apart from bruises and abrasions, she has a
> fractured collarbone and fractured pelvis, little enough damage from when
> you hit the ground at 30 mph.  Poor thing, there goes the summer, but I
> know she'll be good about physio as appropriate.  Thank God for helmets.
> A few years back on another cross country ride to Halifax, she had a slo-mo
> tumble in Quebec City.  Only in Halifax was it determined she had ridden
> all that way with a broken wrist.
> Attsa my girl!
> Marion, a pilgrim

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