[Magdalen] memories

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Jun 15 17:28:08 UTC 2020

I seem to be spending a lot of time on Zoom and similar platforms at 
present. Often they are set up by somebody else but this afternoon I set 
another one up for Thursday. They have currently removed the 40 minute 
limit on the basic account for the duration of the pandemic and have 
tightened the security in a couple of ways by changing default settings 
so people first go into a waiting room and then are admitted by the 
host. Some also require the use of a password. Perhaps the most 
important is, as Ginga pointed out, NOT to publish the link on social 
media. I think another precaution is that the default setting is for 
only the host to be able to share their screen and appropriate use of 
the mute button.

As regards physical meetings, how about the Rome listmeet in 2001 for 
the consecration of Pierre Whalon?


On 15/06/2020 15:46, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> Yes, St. Anne's, Winston Salem now puts a link to the Zoom service and
> another one for the Sunday bulletin in their weekly newsletter.
> Ginga

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