[Magdalen] Cleaning and Disinfecting Churches

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 21:37:28 UTC 2020

Aw geez.  Thanks, Cady. Reading that excellent guide makes me hope that we
NEVER reopen!

Marion, a pilgrim

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 4:08 PM cady soukup <cadyasoukup at gmail.com> wrote:

> Daer ones,
> The Diocese of Virginia has plans & guidelines for "regathering" once
> certain public health metrics have been met (by Virginia Department of
> Health District, not by county). A small part of the plan is cleaning
> and disinfecting the church.
> One nearby church (not Trinity, Washington, VA) wanted to know how to
> clean and disinfect their old pews and woodwork without damaging it.
> The URL below has a very common-sense and inexpensive approach to
> cleaning.
> https://www.artechchurchinteriors.com/cleaning-and-disinfecting-your-church-furniture/
> I am still looking for further advice, if you know of anything.
> Thank you all,
> Cady Soukup
> living in a county with more cattle than people by a significant
> multiplier!

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