[Magdalen] Curious... Update?

Chad Wohlers chad at satucket.com
Wed Aug 11 16:19:21 UTC 2021

I was thinking of you when I was at the Festival of Fools in Burlington 
a couple Saturdays ago. No, not for that reason, it's 'cause one of the 
featured acts was Tuba Skinny - which I unfortunately didn't get to see. 
So - fill us in.

Chad Wohlers
chad at satucket.com
Woodbury, VT   USA

>> Friends...,
>> Curious: a show of hands, how many here might be interested in an attempt
>> on my part to provide a brief (sic) life update... ?,
>> M J Logsdon, Rev (semi-retired, wholly concerned).
>> *******
>> "Avoid dull needles and use a soft cloth." -- E Kovacs.

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