[Magdalen] Dilemma redux

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 23:51:26 UTC 2021

((((Grace)))))  Sigh.  I understand what you are feeling.


On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 6:47 PM Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Somehow my original post and your helpful responses morphed into a whole
> other topic, so I'm starting this one anew.  But it will be short, and you
> don't have to respond.
> I had told my son I wasn't comfortable taking the boys for the day, and he
> took it well and didn't try to argue, other than sending me an article from
> one of his conspiracy sites in which a doctor said masks are useless.
> Today he called and said he's having trouble finding anyone to take the two
> little boys, and since this Omicron isn't supposed to be a big deal, he
> wondered if I would reconsider. I said I wouldn't.
> I sent him a text suggesting that he ask one of his three older daughters
> if they would watch the boys. He said none of them are speaking to him, so
> that's not an option. That's a whole other story....
> Trouble is, I'm feeling a bit guilty for turning him down again and
> wondering if I'm really being overly cautious.  But if I get sick between
> now and Christmas, when I have two services, and my trip to Florida to
> visit my daughter, I'll be really upset.
> --
> Grace Cangialosi
> Ruckersville, VA
> * "Service is what prayer looks like when it gets up off its knees and
> walks around in the world"*
> *                                              Michael J. Graham, SJ*

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