[Magdalen] Dilemma redux

John Robison friarjohn00 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 04:02:31 UTC 2021

It is his choice to endanger himself and his sons. It is also his choice to
not honor your safety in this way.
This inability to provide for the care of his children is a consequence of
his actions. He is a bad parent, and needs to face those consequences.

On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 6:47 PM Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Somehow my original post and your helpful responses morphed into a whole
> other topic, so I'm starting this one anew.  But it will be short, and you
> don't have to respond.
> I had told my son I wasn't comfortable taking the boys for the day, and he
> took it well and didn't try to argue, other than sending me an article from
> one of his conspiracy sites in which a doctor said masks are useless.
> Today he called and said he's having trouble finding anyone to take the two
> little boys, and since this Omicron isn't supposed to be a big deal, he
> wondered if I would reconsider. I said I wouldn't.
> I sent him a text suggesting that he ask one of his three older daughters
> if they would watch the boys. He said none of them are speaking to him, so
> that's not an option. That's a whole other story....
> Trouble is, I'm feeling a bit guilty for turning him down again and
> wondering if I'm really being overly cautious.  But if I get sick between
> now and Christmas, when I have two services, and my trip to Florida to
> visit my daughter, I'll be really upset.
> --
> Grace Cangialosi
> Ruckersville, VA
> * "Service is what prayer looks like when it gets up off its knees and
> walks around in the world"*
> *                                              Michael J. Graham, SJ*


The Rev. John R. Robison, Asc. ECST
The Old Catholic Church, Provence of the United States.

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