[Magdalen] Presiding Bishop coming to Good Shepherd!

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 23:46:56 UTC 2021

For those who helped support me in the awful years of the coming apart of
the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, when Bishop Mark Lawrence led the
diocese into schism and join ACNA.  My parish church followed Lawrence.
The split occurred in October 2012.  It was only one day until 20-30 local
Episcopalians committed to forming a remnant congregation affiliated with
The Episcopal Church.  We did that and have thrived, even with the required
pandemic closure of our building. We are holding services inside again with
strict restrictions and protocols for safe worship.

So....much has happened in the ensuing 9 years since the schism, including
our recent election of our fifteenth Diocesan Bishop of The Episcopal
Diocese of South Carolina.  The Rev. Canon Ruth Woodliff-Stanley will be
consecrated and seated on October 2.  Then, the next day, The Presiding
Bishop will visit one of the 'continuing Episcopal parishes' to preach and
celebrate. Well, here is the rest of the story!  Alleluia.  Rejoice with
us! Ginga Wilder

The parishioners of The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd received the
following communication today from our Priest-in-Charge, Fr. Dow

A Note from Fr. Dow:


+Well, beloved, I have the most exciting news! We learned yesterday that
The Most Reverend Michael Curry, after Consecrating our new Bishop on
Saturday, October 2, had expressed a desire to Celebrate and Preach in one
of the displaced congregations on Sunday, October 3. We are so very
delighted that Good Shepherd has been selected!

+George and Jane Tupper, with their usual grace and generosity, have
offered to host us at the farm.  The details as we have them now:

+  One service at 10:00 (half an hour earlier so the PB can catch his plane
on time).No 8:00 Eucharist nor CE that day.

+I am simply beside myself with happiness. We will publish more details as
they are available. But for now, mark your calendars for a not-to-be-missed



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