[Magdalen] Google launches rockets at Magdalen

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Thu Aug 4 23:59:29 UTC 2022

I remember almost exactly when I joined  ~ fall of 1996, when I moved to
Connecticut for seminary. First time I had ever experienced the internet,
and I had to use the computer room (no in-home access till the next year,
and then I couldn't use the phone and the internet at the same time!). A
Netscape search quickly turned up Anglican. I was so lost and dislocated,
there in New England, and you quickly became my family!


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo,  NY
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu

On Thu, Aug 4, 2022, 7:46 PM Ann Markle <ann.markle at aya.yale.edu> wrote:

> O God,  Brian, I loved this and was so pleased when you wrote it; even
> more so now! Thank you so much for the link, and the chance to relive that
> wonderful day. I still use the silver home communion set that Phil gave me
> that day. It was made for him in England, the one he used during his active
> priesthood, and I treasure it. How could it be 23 years later???
> Ann
> The Rev. Ann Markle
> Buffalo,  NY
> ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2022, 1:20 PM Brian Reid <brian at reid.org> wrote:
>> Hm. I also found this essay I wrote about it at the time. I think that
>> almost a quarter of a century later it is worth re-reading:
>> http://anglicansonline.org/archive/news/articles/1999/990626a.html
>> On 2022-08-01 13:03, Brian Reid wrote:
>> > Found it. 26 June 1999.
>> >
>> > On 2022-08-01 12:56, Brian Reid wrote:
>> >> Ann, I attended your ordination with Andrew Auld and Cynthia
>> >> McFarland. Both of Magdalen, and both now long dead. When was that?

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