[Magdalen] Virginia Bishop Slate

Charles Wohlers chad at satucket.com
Tue Mar 29 03:27:12 UTC 2022

Gee, when we elected a bishop here in Vermont a few years ago, all three 
candidates were women, one of whom was Black (she was chosen), and one 
was gay. (The gay one was from Virginia, BTW, but another diocese).

Chad Wohlers
chad at satucket.com
Woodbury, VT   USA

On 28.03.2022 22:52, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> By now you've all probably seen the news.  The slate of nominees for 
> the
> 14th Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia consists of four straight, 
> white,
> middle-aged men.
> This, despite the search committee being the most diverse we've ever 
> had.
> Something is wrong with this picture...

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