[Magdalen] Windows 11?

Charles Wohlers chad at satucket.com
Tue Nov 22 03:16:57 UTC 2022

Windows 11 will always be a free upgrade. IMHO, f you're happy with 
Windows 10, then keep it (I have). There's no particular reason to 
upgrade until Microsoft stops supporting windows 10, and that is still a 
ways off.

Chad Wohlers
chad at satucket.com
Woodbury, VT   USA

On 21.11.2022 19:26, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> I just got another offer for a free upgrade to Windows 11. Should I do 
> that? I just remember what a disaster Windows 7 was, and I tend to be 
> leery of upgrades.
> My phone just upgraded, and I still haven’t figured out exactly what’s 
> happened.

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