[Magdalen] Prayers, for me, and Dawn

Judy Fleener fleenerj at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 14:02:05 UTC 2014

We have greatly reduced our stuff and there is more to go.  I have a
daughter in law who is taking charge of all pictures, scanning them and
making files for all.  I am so grateful.  I can't seem to throw away
pictures or organize them in any meaningful way.

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Jon Egger <revegger at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sadly, any photos I have are few.  Plaintiff took them ALL when she left.
> All my Dylan stuff is just stuff.  I don't need to take it with me; I have
> all his music on my iTunes, which I play off my computer.
> Plaintiff and I should have sold this house when we split, but we chose not
> to.  Much of my motive in moving is to get rid of stuff that has anything
> to do with plaintiff.
> I find my peace in all of this.  I can see the monthly declines and I know
> that, like most of us, we won't be remembered 20 years after our deaths.
> +++
> Grace & peace,
> jon
> On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 1:27 PM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am a Miserable Offender, because my mother's wallet is still in a cubby
> > in my desk. I also have my grandmother's handwritten receipt book
> > (Old New England for "cookbook"), which includes receipts for making
> > mustard plaster, drawing salves, and several other home remedies.
> > As well as piecrusts, rabbit pie, and a chocolate-stained page with
> > a brownie recipe.
> >
> > The cookbook is headed for the Schleisinger library, which has agreed
> > to take it once I can let it go.
> >
> > My grandmother's photograph album from the parades at the end of
> > the Russo-Japanese War (the Treaty of Portsmouth) and the return of
> > the prisoners after the Spanish American War (she was given to crying
> > "Remember the Maine!" during Memorial Day ceremonies)  went to the
> > Athenaeum to document what the downtown & waterfront looked like
> > back then. The Athenaeum scanned them and they're now available
> > online. Which beats the pants off having them in a box in the attic.
> >
> > So maybe scanning is a solution that would preserve your photos?
> >
> >  https://www.flickr.com/photos/nlmichaud/
> > -M
> >

Judy Fleener, ObJN
Western Michigan

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