[Magdalen] (ever heard of the) THEREMIN - Over The Rainbow (on YouTube)

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 22:20:21 UTC 2014

Don't know about a movie, but a book by Sean Michaels, _Us Conductors_, 
a love story involving Lev Termen, the Russian inventor of the theremin, 
won this year's $100,000 Giller Prize in November.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 12/4/2014 4:12 PM, Lynn Ronkainen wrote:
> How many of our musicians are familiar with this name, technique etc?  
> There is a debut of a movie on Theremin and therminists (players of 
> the Theremin) in Houston this weekend and the people connected with it 
> who are here in Houston are going to be 'live' to play and discuss the 
> history of the instrument, its creator and use over the last 70 
> years.  I found this fascinating...
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6KbEnGnymk
> Lynn

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